Hot Tudor Summer

Tudor Leather Daddies. Ruffs. And more.

I had a delightful time at the Elizabethan Costume Symposium held recently in Berkeley. It was put on by a costume guild and felt both very small and very big. Special guests included the Tudor Tailor team (yes I got a book and yes I got it signed), but I have to say ALL the presenters brought not only deep nerdyness over language and clothing, but also an appreciation for starting where you need to when it comes to costuming. 

To prep for this, I deep dived into some Tudor 101 texts, which I’ll share below. I need to focus on my VirtualJaneCon presentation this month, but after that I think I’ll be devoted to making the best RenFaire fit I can. 

Some nuggets from the presentations:

  • Leather was actually pretty common for men’s jerkins. (Though the Tudor Tailor team stressed it was NOT super common to be black leather. Whatever, I’ll still enjoy this excuse to bring some leather into a wardrobe.) (You can get a pattern here.)
  • A chicken makes a great accessory. 
  • Starches came in all sorts of colors (yellow, pinks, blues). And since you have to starch ruffs, well this is opening up some opportunities. 
  • There’s a bunch of public domain needlework books and resources out there. 

Tudor Fashion 101

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